If you’ve just purchased your first apartment building, you may be anxious to get some tenants moved in so you can start earning money from your investment. Unless you’ve done your research, though, you could be setting yourself up for trouble the second you collect the signature on your first tenant’s rental agreement. As a landlord, you’ve got to protect yourself from financial loss, and protect your apartments from untimely destruction by including the below 3 sections in your renters’ agreements. Read More»
If you plan to host a Halloween party this year, you probably want to use your dishwasher to clean and sanitize your seasonal serving dishes and trays. If your dishwasher has hard water problems, it might not get your dishes and trays clean enough for the party. In fact, the hard water can ruin the metal and glass surfaces of your dishes and trays with dark stains and spots. Sometimes the water inside the dishwasher looks yellowish, cloudy or smells bad. Read More»
If you’ve recently purchased drapery or plan to, you’ll want to consider how you’ll hang your chic window treatments. Simple curtain rods can look bland and the decorative options are relatively pricey. According to a 2013 annual Houzz & Home survey, 45 percent of homeowners plan to delay their house project due to the economy. If you don’t have the funds to purchase curtain rods, consider making your own. Here’s a look at some creative, fun alternatives to standard curtain rods. Read More»
Different types of flooring each have their own benefits and disadvantages. Although carpeting is warm, soft, and sound-absorbing, it can also bring up compatibility issues when you have children in your home. Carpeting absorbs spilled liquids and foods making it hard to keep your floors clean, whereas tile, vinyl, and hardwood flooring are easy to clean. Here are three big reasons that hardwood floors are a popular commercial flooring installation and tile can make your job easier as a parent. Read More»
A man cave is a room set in a masculine environment, where a man and his buddies can relax and enjoy favorite pastimes. Your man cave should be designed with comfortable furniture that reflects your personality and interests. Furniture essentials for your man cave might include matching reclining chairs, a card table and entertainment center. These furniture styles are often sold at clearance prices, so click here to investigate or look for the reduced tag as you browse. Read More»